Saturday, October 28, 2006

Proof that maybe our ageing politicians might not be senile?

Research from our neighbour, Singapore found that curry keeps elderly minds sharp!

Read it here.

Anyway, on the RM8 million Klang Palace issue, why not make the building the office for the department in charge of submitting building, this will teach the corrupted ones a lesson!

Wednesday, October 11, 2006

(45% + 18.9%)/2 = 31.95%?

Gosh, Blogger #$%^&*!, lost my long post when I was submitting it...sighz, anyone has a better blog host to recommend?

On the Bumi equity issue, I think we, the public can just take the average of the 2 figures from the govt and ASLI:

(45% + 18.9%)/2 = 31.95%?

considering our lack of knowledge/insight intothe methodology, datasets, half-truths and whatnots out there, which made it sound more accurate to me =P

Anyway, I'm currently reading this book called "Game Theory at Work: How to Use Game Theory to Outthink and Outmaneuver Your Competition" by J.Miller and it's interesting to see how he used an example of the "side-effect" of the NEP when explaining the concept of signalling in game theory. I quote from the book:

Signaling and Racism
Racial stereotyping illuminates the dark side of signaling. People judge books by their covers because the covers are visible and easier to grasp than the book’s contents. Similarly, individuals’ physical characteristics are easier to evaluate than their personalities. Unfortunately, therefore, people sometimes make decisions based upon race when ignorant of a person’s vastly more significant qualities.

Although perhaps not moral, using race as a signal can be rational. This rationality is not predicated upon genetic differences among the races. Using race as a signal is rational if race is merely correlated with less visible characteristics. For example, imagine that your company wants to hire a recent Malaysian college graduate. You want the smartest student you can find. Let’s assume that Malaysian colleges discriminate against ethnic Chinese in admissions. Consequently, it is harder for an ethnic Chinese than an ethnic Malay to be admitted to a Malaysian college. Given this discrimination, you would expect in Malaysia that, on average, Chinese college students are more capable than Malaysian college students. If the colleges discriminate against a group, then the school must have higher standards for that group, implying that students from this group will be on average better than the rest of the college’s student population.

So, you want to hire a Malaysian college graduate, and you believe that on average, Chinese graduates are more capable than the Malaysian graduates. How important is this racial difference? It’s of absolutely no importance if you can determine each job candidate’s quality. You care about competence, not race. If you can determine a candidate’s competence, then race becomes irrelevant. If, however, competence is difficult or even costly to evaluate, then it becomes rational for you to use race as a factor when hiring, because race is correlated with competence. Even if a book’s cover would have no effect per se on how much pleasure you would derive from reading the book, it’s still rational to base your purchase decision on the cover if it tells you something about the contents. Signaling theory shows that if colleges discriminate against some race, then employers might desire to discriminate in favor of this race. Alas, the reverse also holds true.

Affirmative action can harm racial groups to the extent that a college is a signal of quality. Assume that high school students can be academically scored from 0 to 100. Let’s say that some highly selective college admits students from race X with a score over 90 and, because of affirmative action admits students from race Y with a score over 85. Imagine that the primary benefit of attending this college is that it signals your high rank. Unfortunately, if this school’s affirmative action policies are known, the signaling benefit of attending this college will be lower for group Y than X. Tragically, even members of group Y who have scores of 100 will be hurt by affirmative action, because potential employers could more easily judge their race than their intelligence or score.
Looks like the so-called "marginalisation" kinda benefitted those who were "marginalised"! lol

Friday, October 06, 2006

Silent Goodbyes...

The more I read about articles written by various races on the issue of marginalisation and the "miscalculation" of Bumi equity share in the economy, the more I get worked up. But after meeting a few yellow-skinned friends some time ago in my return to M'sia in 10 years and reflected upon their thinking, I realised that the majority race in Malaysia has nothing to worry about.

If you've noticed the trend, more private businesses are venturing overseas in search of greener pastures and fair competition. The foreign educated ones are staying overseas after their studies, the smart & resourceful locally educated ones who managed to get overseas postings settle down there and those "rejected" by our education system/scholarship policies migrate down south or down under, bidding a silent goodbye to our country...

Would you be sad or happy for this? Is this what we brought to ourselves?

Sadly, only time will tell...

Wednesday, October 04, 2006

Of Apologies and Sorries

[from this website]

It was a trap and we "kena-ed". Perhaps, we expected too much from the apology and got one which is filled with more 
embarassments. Anyway, perhaps next time, if you expect an apology, try attaching this as a draft:

I come to you today penitent, conscience-stricken, regretful and contrite. I have been touched by your pain and deeply regret my words. I repent them with every shred of my soul. I am, for having hurt your feelings and bruised your tender buttons, a base and abject man mortified by my cheesy, contemptible, insignificant,. shabby, small, and pathetic being. I know now the low things I have said and I am filled with remorse, melancholy, and self-reproach. If I could have myself flogged fleshless by an flock of Carmelite nuns on Methamphetamine I would so. But I can't locate those sisters right now, so I must continue to apologize.

I therefore continue to apologize.

I am so wretched to have said the bad words to you. They may well have been true, but I forgot that your feelings, no matter how puerile, always trump the truth in this world. So I admit that even though they were true, my words were unworthy of me and hurtful to you. I see your raw suppurating feelings oozing to the top of your mind and erupting from your mouth wrapped around your screams. I shall carry that Polaroid with me for the rest of my days right next to the organ donor card in my wallet. Can I fill one out for you?

But I digress.

I am compelled by my inner idiot to say that I bleed for you, wish only to console you, empathize with you, and open my heart in an anguished lament that my words, wittingly or unwittingly, have raised upon your soul these unlanced boils of your metaphysical angst. It is my hope you will allow me to lance them and to bandage them in the saline soaked cloth of a this apology.

I come before you today an abashed, chagrined, conscience stricken, guilty, shamed, demeaned, crestfallen, humiliated, penitent and mortified man. I can only seek, humbly, that one thing that will make me whole again after ripping the flesh of your feelings so senselessly. That one thing is the infinite balm of your acceptance of this, my guilty apology, and your forgiveness.

In this I hope to be resurrected to the realm of the acceptably human. I live in this hope because I have a deep and abiding faith that although I am really, really sorry, you are the one person in the universe who is a sorrier son-of-a-bitch than I am.

Thank you for letting me share.

[via American Digest]